The Digestive System Unit
The nomenclature cards found within this pack introduce the child to the following terms:
- The Digestive System
- Esophagus
- Large Intestine
- Small Intestine
- Liver
- Mouth
- Pancreas
- Salivary Glands
- Gallbladder
- Stomach
Pg. 2: Book Study Suggestions
Pg. 3: Non-Fiction Question Stems
Pgs. 4-6: The Digestive System KWL Worksheets
Pgs. 7-12: The Digestive System 3-Part Cards
Pgs. 13-15: The Digestive System 3-Part Cards Control
Pgs. 16-25: The Digestive System Posters
Pgs. 26-32: The Digestive System Booklet (Cursive)
Pgs. 33-38: The Digestive System Booklet (Print)
Pgs. 39-41: The Digestive System Facts!
Pgs. 42-48: The Digestive System Reading Passage and Responses
Pgs. 49-58: The Digestive System Mini-Passages and Multiple-Choice Questions
Pgs. 59-63: The Digestive System Task Cards, Recording Sheet, and Control
Pgs. 64-66: Labeling the Digestive System Worksheet and Control
Pgs. 67-77: The Digestive System Coloring Pages
Pgs. 78-80: “I have...” Who has...?” Card Game
Pgs. 81-89: The Digestive System and Grammar
Pgs. 90-93: Parts of the Digestive System Research Guide
Pgs. 94-96: Digestive System Choice Boards
Pg. 97: Terms of Use